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July 30, 2015

Q&A: Tegile Showcasing IntelliFlash HD for Hyper-Consolidation at VMworld 2015 - Booth 1037

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As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up next month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  And I know show attendees are doing the same.  With so many exhibitors, how do you know who to get on your calendar and which booths to visit?  

This year, VMblog is again making sure that Tegile is on its must see list.  Last year at VMworld, we had a great time speaking with the team at Tegile, and we got a fantastic recording out of it which we shared with readers.  And after speaking with them about this Q&A, I'm even more excited to see what they are doing this year!

Tegile is pioneering a new generation of flash-driven enterprise storage arrays that balance performance, capacity, features and price for virtualization, file services and database applications. With Tegile’s line of all-flash and hybrid storage arrays, the company is redefining the traditional approach to storage by providing a family of arrays that accelerate business critical enterprise applications and allow customers to significantly consolidate mixed workloads in virtualized environments.

Yesterday, I spoke with the company to find out more about their upcoming sponsorship of VMworld 2015 to find out what we could expect from them at the show this year.


VMblog:  You guys are becoming experts at showcasing at VMworld.  How can show attendees find you?  Where is your booth located this year? 

Tegile:  Yes, this is our fourth year at VMworld.  Tegile is in booth #1037 - the 30X30 one with an Audi A7 in it that someone will be getting the keys for - no more games of chance like the last two years.  We are right next to VMware's booth - you can't miss us.

VMblog:  Anything new or unique about this year's booth setup?

Tegile:  The entire team at Tegile is very excited to be showing more about our technology direction with IntelliFlash HD - the world's most intelligent flash array for hyper-consolidation.  It delivers:

  • 8X Controller bandwidth
  • 8X Storage density
  • 8X Latency reduction
  • 8X Capacity scalability

over Tegile's current flagship all-flash array.  Tegile is extending our hybrid and all-flash architecture to the next level by adding scale-out controllers, DVDIMM flash and an extremely high density flash layer.  This allows our customers to drive performance and capacity 8X beyond where they have been able to in the past.

VMblog:  For attendees who visit your booth, what's the takeaway message going to be?

Tegile:  Attendees will take away the message that Tegile has the world's most intelligent flash storage.  We are the only next-generation storage vendor that offers hybrid AND all-flash arrays, block AND file connectivity, SQL 2014 and Oracle Validated configurations - the list goes on and on.

VMblog:  With so many booths at VMworld, and so little time, why should an attendee put you on their MUST SEE list this year?

Tegile:  If attendees want to see the most intelligent flash array on the exhibit floor AND potentially win an Audi A7, they must come to visit Tegile at booth #1037.

VMblog:  Do you have any speaking sessions during the show?  If so, can you share the details?

Tegile:  We have two panel discussions this year.  One features a stage full of our awesome customers who will tell their flash storage journey and share pitfalls and highlights, so others can leverage their trailblazing.  The other is a special panel that Tegile has sponsored for two years now.  We actually get all of our upstart competitors together and discuss why attendees should be looking to all of us next generation alternatives and leave the big incumbents.  Storage graybeard, Howard Marks, moderates - it is a blast.

VMblog:  From speaking to parties!  Are you guys throwing a party during the event?

Tegile:  Swing by our booth on Monday for the details - gonna be a blast.

VMblog:  And after a good party, attendees also like to hear about giveaways.  Anything special or interesting this year?

Tegile:  Sure we have pens, but did I mention the Audi A7? 

VMblog:  As a returning vendor, what do you like most about sponsoring VMworld?

Tegile:  VMworld is by far the must-sponsor event of the year for Tegile.  With over 23,000 attendees and so many advancements in technology, it is an awesome opportunity to talk with end users on what's been happening over the last year and where we're all headed for the upcoming years.  We throw a killer VIP party on Monday night too.

VMblog:  Do you remember your first VMworld?  What can you tell us about it?

Tegile:  I remember Tegile's first VMworld in 2012.  I was the first and only marketing person in the company (well, I had just hired some help a couple weeks before, but all the prep was on me).  I'm a product guy - not an events guy.  I have been in many shows, but never ran one.  Big difference.  I was horrified.  What did I forget?  Will the demos work?  Are the big screen monitor stands strong enough?  What if they fall on someone's head?  Luckily, the show ran flawlessly, and we've had similar success every year since.  I'm definitely glad we have a fantastic marketing team that helps carry the load now.  They're the best.

VMblog:  Based on past experiences, what are you looking forward to most at this year's event?

Tegile:  When we give away that A7 on Wednesday afternoon - I'll be on fire.

VMblog:  Finally, do you have any tips for first time attendees of VMworld that you'd like to share?

Tegile:  Plan plan plan.  There are so many sessions to see, so many booths to visit.  It can be overwhelming.  Log into the VMworld site and make a plan.  Oh, and plan on having fun!  Don't walk around collecting pens and data sheets - talk to people!  Go to the parties - you will have a blast.


Thanks again to Tegile for speaking with VMblog about the upcoming VMworld show.  Don't miss out on visiting with these guys if you're attending VMworld.  See their technology first hand, sit thru a presentation, and go by to try and win a new car!  Visit them at booth #1037.

Last modified on July 30, 2015
David Marshall

David Marshall has been involved in the technology industry for over 19 years, and he's been working with virtualization software since 1999. He was able to become an industry expert in virtualization by becoming a pioneer in that field - one of the few people in the industry allowed to work with Alpha stage server virtualization software from industry leaders: VMware (ESX Server), Connectix and Microsoft (Virtual Server).

Through the years, he has invented, marketed and helped launch a number of successful virtualization software companies and products. David holds a BS degree in Finance, an Information Technology Certification, and a number of vendor certifications from Microsoft, CompTia and others. He's also co-authored two published books: "VMware ESX Essentials in the Virtual Data Center" and "Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center" and acted as technical editor for two popular Virtualization "For Dummies" books. With his remaining spare time, David founded and operates one of the oldest independent virtualization news blogs, VMblog.com. And co-founded CloudCow.com, a publication dedicated to Cloud Computing. Starting in 2009 and continuing all the way to 2016, David has been honored with the vExpert distinction by VMware for his virtualization evangelism.

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