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  • Zadara Storage Video

  • CliQr Video

  • Xangati Video

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  • CloudGenix Video
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In this video, Doug Jury, Zadara Storage VP Americas Sales, walks you through what is a Virtual Private Storage Array VPSA), how a VPSA looks like and what advantages it has when deploying it for Enterprise applications at public cloud providers such as AWS or Microsoft Azure.

00:15 Storage decisions
01:22 Enterprise storage + as a Service
02:13 Enterprise storage features
02:53 What is a VPSA
03:28 Deploying a VPSA
05:08 Better storage decisions

You can learn more about Zadara's VPSA patented technology on our website: http://zadarastorage.com/technology/

As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up at the end of this month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  But with so many vendors exhibiting at the show, how do you know who to get on your schedule and which booths to visit?  

This year, we're excited to meet with and learn from someone new that we haven't yet met in person -- CliQr.  Founding members have a VMware background, and I've already enjoyed getting to know the company via online activity.  These guys are offering full lifecycle management delivered in a single, intuitive packaged platform.  And they enable businesses to easily and efficiently model, deploy and manage one to many applications, users, and clouds.  CliQr’s application-defined technology de-couples applications from the complexity of hybrid cloud environments, allowing them to securely move, deploy and manage new and existing application across any physical, virtual or cloud environment.

After speaking with them about this Q&A, I'm even more excited to see a demo of their product up close and personal at their booth.

As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up at the end of this month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  But with so many vendors exhibiting at the show, how do you know who to get on your schedule and which booths to visit?  

This year, I'm excited to follow up with Liquidware Labs at the show.  They gave us a sneak peek at one of their soon to be released products in our video interview during Citrix Synergy.  And I can't wait to see what they are showcasing at this year's VMworld event. The company has innovative and award-winning products like Stratusphere FIT and Stratusphere UX for desktop visibility; ProfileUnity with FlexApp and FlexDisk for desktop portability; and Flex-IO which supports IOPS acceleration in non-persistent VDI environments.

We had a great conversation at Synergy, and I expect after these many months have passed since that time, we'll see some incredible updates to their offerings.  And don't forget, these guys have some serious virtualization talent working at their booth.  So make sure to come by and geek out with these guys, many of which have been around in the virtualization market long before it was cool.

CliQr is a leading provider of application-defined cloud management solutions. Offering full lifecycle management delivered in a single, intuitive packaged platform, CliQr enables businesses to easily and efficiently model, deploy and manage one to many applications, users, and clouds. CliQr’s application-defined technology de-couples applications from the complexity of hybrid cloud environments, allowing them to securely move, deploy and manage new and existing application across any physical, virtual or cloud environment. CliQr’s patented and patent-pending technology and its global partners help dozens of leading brands in healthcare, manufacturing and technology markets manage their cloud application lifecycles in over 15 different datacenter, private and public cloud environments. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, with locations in Canada, India and Czech Republic, CliQr is backed by Polaris Partners, Foundation Capital, Google Ventures and TransLink Capital. For additional information, visit www.cliqr.com.

As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up next month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  And I know show attendees are doing the same.  With so many exhibitors, how do you know who to get on your calendar and which booths to visit?  

This year, VMblog is again making sure that Tegile is on its must see list.  Last year at VMworld, we had a great time speaking with the team at Tegile, and we got a fantastic recording out of it which we shared with readers.  And after speaking with them about this Q&A, I'm even more excited to see what they are doing this year!

As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up next month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  And I know show attendees are doing the same.  With so many exhibitors, how do you know who to get on your calendar and which booths to visit?  

This year, VMblog is adding Zadara Storage to its must see list.  Last year at VMworld, we had a great conversation with the team over there, and we're excited to see what's new this year.  The company has been a pioneer provider of enterprise storage-as-a-service (STaaS), delivering high-performance, highly available and predictable (QoS) file and block storage, in a pay-as-you-go model for on-premise deployment and via global service providers.

As part of VMblog's live VMworld 2015 coverage coming up next month, we're getting our schedule ready to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.  And I know show attendees are doing the same.  The exhibit area is always packed with interesting vendors showing off their wares -- so how do you know who to visit?  Who do you put on your schedule with so many vendors and such little time?  Over the years, I've found it important to get a game plan setup and do so early.

This year, VMblog is adding Xangati to its must see list.  We had a great conversation with Xangati at Citrix Synergy, so we're looking forward to the follow up conversation.  If you haven't already run into them, Xangati is an infrastructure performance management and service assurance analytics provider, supporting complex virtualized data centers and hybrid cloud environments.  Organizations have leveraged Xangati to resolve end-user issues more quickly, optimize virtual applications, diagnose root causes of contention storms and assure overall infrastructure health.  Xangati's management dashboards provide a live, continuous and interactional view into the entire IT infrastructure with predictive analytics and prescriptive remediation actions.

Xangati delivers service assurance analytics that enable you to prevent, resolve and monitor contention issues across silos, in real time, with deeper insights for optimizing the end-user quality of experience.


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vmworld 2015 Buzz

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