February 14, 2017

Five Reasons to Attend DockerCon 2017

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Are you ready for DockerCon 2017 in Austin, TX?  The event takes place April 17th-20th, 2017 at the Austin Convention Center. 

DockerCon is a community and container industry conference for makers and operators of next generation distributed apps built with containers. The three-day conference is jam packed with 100+ DockerCon speakers, 60+ breakout sessions, 11 workshops, hands on labs, and an expo hall that's filled with Docker ecosystem innovators ready to show off their wares and answer questions.

There's something for everyone -- Developer, IT Ops, or Enterprise; Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Docker user.

Want to learn more?  Check out the DockerCon 2017 agenda.

The Docker team has also put together a list of the Top 5 Reasons you should join them at this year's event: 

  1. The.Best.Content. From beginner to deep dive, DockerCon brings together the brightest minds to talk about their passion. Those passions range from tracing containers, building containers from scratch, monitoring and storage, to creating effective images.
  2. Experts Everywhere. Want to meet the maintainers and tech leads of the Docker project? DockerCon! The community members that put together the coolest IoT hack to make walking in between sessions fun? DockerCon! What about chatting directly with the developers and IT professionals at Fortune 500 enterprises that are transforming their organizations by using Docker? DockerCon!
  3. A Hallway Track like you’ve never experienced. DockerCon took conference networking to a new level last year with Bump Up. We can’t wait to share what we have planned this year that will make connecting, learning, and sharing with other like-minded attendees one of the most valuable takeaways of the event. 
  4. DockerCon For All. DockerCon will always be an open and inclusive event for all. We are excited to announce the launch of this year’s DockerCon Diversity Scholarship. The scholarship’s purpose is to provide financial support and guidance to members of the Docker Community who are traditionally underrepresented through on-site mentorship and a scholarship to attend DockerCon.
  5. Community & Docker Swag. As a part of Docker’s community, you already know that it rocks, thanks to you! Now just imagine the energy when 5,000 of us are in one room doing what we love! Now imagine we all just got the most amazing Docker swag to top it off! We are talking backpacks, t-shirts, umbrellas, scarves, LEGO whales – this year will be no exception.

Well?  What do you think?  Ready to register for DockerCon 2017?

David Marshall

David Marshall has been involved in the technology industry for over 19 years, and he's been working with virtualization software since 1999. He was able to become an industry expert in virtualization by becoming a pioneer in that field - one of the few people in the industry allowed to work with Alpha stage server virtualization software from industry leaders: VMware (ESX Server), Connectix and Microsoft (Virtual Server).

Through the years, he has invented, marketed and helped launch a number of successful virtualization software companies and products. David holds a BS degree in Finance, an Information Technology Certification, and a number of vendor certifications from Microsoft, CompTia and others. He's also co-authored two published books: "VMware ESX Essentials in the Virtual Data Center" and "Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center" and acted as technical editor for two popular Virtualization "For Dummies" books. With his remaining spare time, David founded and operates one of the oldest independent virtualization news blogs, VMblog.com. And co-founded CloudCow.com, a publication dedicated to Cloud Computing. Starting in 2009 and continuing all the way to 2016, David has been honored with the vExpert distinction by VMware for his virtualization evangelism.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise


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