David Marshall

David Marshall

David Marshall has been involved in the technology industry for over 19 years, and he's been working with virtualization software since 1999. He was able to become an industry expert in virtualization by becoming a pioneer in that field - one of the few people in the industry allowed to work with Alpha stage server virtualization software from industry leaders: VMware (ESX Server), Connectix and Microsoft (Virtual Server).

Through the years, he has invented, marketed and helped launch a number of successful virtualization software companies and products. David holds a BS degree in Finance, an Information Technology Certification, and a number of vendor certifications from Microsoft, CompTia and others. He's also co-authored two published books: "VMware ESX Essentials in the Virtual Data Center" and "Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center" and acted as technical editor for two popular Virtualization "For Dummies" books. With his remaining spare time, David founded and operates one of the oldest independent virtualization news blogs, VMblog.com. And co-founded CloudCow.com, a publication dedicated to Cloud Computing. Starting in 2009 and continuing all the way to 2016, David has been honored with the vExpert distinction by VMware for his virtualization evangelism.

The world's largest combined virtualization and cloud computing event, VMworld, is coming up fast!  The event takes place August 25th-29th, 2019 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.  The event is always jam packed with incredible information coming out of the keynote presentations, from the large number of breakout sessions, to the Solutions Expo which is filled with awesome vendors and solution experts from around the world.  And, we can't say enough about the fan favorite -- the VMworld Hands-On Labs.  

To find out more ahead of the show, VMblog spoke with VMware to dig in a little deeper as we prepare for VMware's premiere convention. 

Are you attending VMworld 2019 in San Francisco, CA?  If so, I invite you to add Veeam to your MUST SEE list of vendors. 

With so many vendors exhibiting at VMworld, how do you know which booths to visit and who to get on your busy schedule?  For us, that's simple... Veeam.  VMblog has been following Veeam for over a decade.  Their Hyper-Availability Platform is one of the most complete solutions around that helps customers on the journey to automating data management and ensuring the Hyper-Availability of data.  Just ask their more than 355,000 customers worldwide!

Read this exclusive pre-show interview with Veeam to learn what they have planned for the upcoming VMworld 2019 event.

Key Tips for Surviving and Thriving at VMworld 2019

In only a few short weeks from now, 21k+ virtualization and cloud users will embark on their annual pilgrimage to what has become known as a reunion of friends and fellow virtualization geeks, an event called VMworld.

VMworld US 2019 begins on Aug. 25th, 2019 and continues through August 29th.  The event will feature hundreds of unique breakout sessions from VMware and its community of partners, customers and industry experts; and the Solutions Exchange will be packed by more than 230 vendor sponsors and exhibitors.

As the show is nearly upon us, VMblog would like to send out its "survival guide" for those first time attendees or those individuals who might just want a refresher on some of what's to come.  Here are a few tips and tricks to help make your VMworld 2019 event a little bit more successful or enjoyable.  

[ Also Read: List of Parties at VMworld 2019 ]

Let's begin!

Are you attending VMworld 2019 in San Francisco, CA?  If so, I invite you to add Zerto to your MUST SEE list of vendors. 

With so many vendors exhibiting at VMworld, how do you know which booths to visit and who to get on your busy schedule?  That's easy, Zerto is a no brainer to get added to your list, for a number of reasons.  VMblog has been following Zerto from the beginning.  And now, with their IT Resilience Platform, they are providing customers with an all-in-one converged disaster recovery and backup platform that enables digital transformation, reduces downtime and data loss, and helps businesses move workloads seamlessly across clouds or datacenters.  They have their own event called ZertoCon which is loaded with information, but I expect them to take VMworld by storm like they have done for so many years.

Read this exclusive pre-show interview with Caroline Seymour, VP of Product Marketing at Zerto, to learn what they have planned for the upcoming VMworld 2019 event.

Are you attending VMworld 2019 in San Francisco, CA?  If so, I invite you to add Datrium to your MUST SEE list of vendors. 

With so many vendors exhibiting at VMworld, how do you know which booths to visit and who to get on your busy schedule?  Last year at VMworld 2018, we met up with the team from Datrium, but we are extremely excited to visit them one year later to see what's new.  Datrium has created a secure multicloud data platform that natively converges primary, backup, disaster recovery, mobility and encryption into a single platform.  Deployed as split provisioned storage or software-defined hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), Datrium’s Automatrix platform makes information available between public clouds and on-premises data centers.

Read this exclusive pre-show interview with Datrium to learn what they have planned for the upcoming VMworld 2019 event.

Zadara Storage Inc., a pioneer in enterprise storage-as-a-service, today announced the launch of their Zadara Service Provider (ZSP) program. The full-featured program expands business opportunities for channel partners and enables them to offer simplified enterprise storage-as-a-service. Zadara solutions help partners avoid the complexities inherent in competitive offerings from legacy providers - while offering rich margins of 30% and more.

On the heels of a record-setting growth quarter, Morpheus Data announces major updates to its leading cloud management platform.  New capabilities are focused on providing customers more freedom and faster deployment in the competitive world of multi-cloud and container automation.

Veeam Software, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Cloud Data Management, today announced results from Q2 2019. Having recently exceeded $1 billion in annual bookings, joining an elite group of software leaders, Veeam's annual recurring revenue (ARR) increased 26 percent year-over-year (YoY) in Q2 2019, a testament to the success of a unique subscription pricing model introduced earlier this year for all new Veeam products, including new Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Update 4. Hailed as one of the most important releases in Veeam company history, Veeam Availability Suite U4 is approaching 350,000 downloads since its release in January.

ThinPrint, the specialist for optimized printing processes in virtual environments, is adding a central management console to its successful ThinPrint Hub, the industry's solution to managing printers in branch and remote offices. The ThinPrint Hub Remote Management Console was developed in partnership with Stratodesk, the only hardware-independent provider of endpoint operating systems and management solutions for VDI and Internet of Things (IoT).

ExtraHop, the leader in cloud-first detection and response for the hybrid enterprise, today issued a security advisory exposing several cases of third-party vendors "phoning home" proprietary data without the knowledge of or authorization from their customers. The advisory serves as a warning to all enterprises to hold their vendors more accountable for how they use customer data.

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