Brian Ducharme

Brian Ducharme

Brian is an event reporter for and an expert in virtualization/cloud techonlogies.  In his 15+ years of experience in the virtualization/cloud field he has interviewed hundreds of companies, users and executives.  Brian has been an active member of the NEVMUG (NEVTUG) since 2006 and attends both vmworld and Citrix Synergy every year.  Brian works full time as a Senior Software Engineer for Liquidware Labs.

Brian also spent 5 years as the managing editor of Virtual Strategy Magazine, an online magazine focused on the virtualization industry and has been with vmblog since 2011. He has a background in Computer Graphics, Marketing, Programming, Web Design, Mobile App Development, Linux Administration and is an active member of the NHJS group. 


September 03, 2014

DataCore - VMworld 2014

VMBlog stops by the Datacore booth during vmworld 2014 to learn more about their product and get a demo.

VMBlog speaks with Brian Lillie, CIO of Equinix and Oded Haner, CTO of HotLink.  Equinix is a large customer of HotLink and in this exclusive interivew, Brian Lillie explains how they use HotLink and what problems they help solve.


VMBlog talks with Zadara Storage in the New Innovators section of vmworld 2014.

August 26, 2014

Zenoss - VMworld 2014

VMBlog gets a demo of Zenoss at vmworld 2014.

VMBlog speaks with Donald Foster of commvault at vmworld 2014.

VMBlog speaks with Gavin McLaughlin at the X-IO Booth during vmworld 2014 and get's a great demo of their VDI Emergency Response Program.

August 26, 2014

cirba - VMworld 2014

VMBlog speaks with Andrew Hillier at the cirba booth during vmworld 2014 and get's a demo of their product.

August 26, 2014

HotLink - VMworld 2014

VMBlog speaks with Lynn LeBlanc and Oded Haner at vmworld 2014

August 26, 2014

Tegile - VMworld 2014

VMblog had the chance to speak with Tegile ahead of VMworld 2014.  And while at the show, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to meet up with Rob Commins, VP of Marketing at the company.  If you made it out to VMworld this year, hopefully you had a chance to visit their booth.

Tegile is a company pioneering a new generation of affordable feature-rich storage arrays that are dramatically faster, and can store more data than standard arrays.  These guys offer a unique metadata handling technology called IntelliFlash, allowing Tegile arrays to deliver caching and on the fly de-duplication and compression for primary storage.

VMblog had the opportunity to see Unitrends first hand at their booth.  Unitrends, a leader in the IT protection and disaster recovery industry, showcased their unique multi-environment arsenal of backup, archiving and disaster recovery solutions,  providing customers with the technology they need to protect and preserve their physical, virtual, and cloud environments at an affordable price.

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