September 11, 2024

Lineup Announced for Cloud Native Computing Foundation's KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024

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The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, announced the schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024, happening in Salt Lake City, Utah from November 12 - 15.

In its ninth year, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 is taking place for the first time in the Silicon Slopes. The schedule, which was curated by a program committee of 93 community members and 22 track chairs led by co-chairs - Joseph Sandoval of Adobe, Nikhita Raghunath of VMware, and Kasper Nissen of Lunar - offers insights into the biggest trends and technologies impacting the cloud native ecosystem today. From a monumental 1937 submissions, attendees will choose from 218 sessions, keynotes, lightning talks, and breakout sessions, with 87 CNCF project maintainer-hosted sessions aimed at technologists across industries and skill sets. Attendees will also have access to over 40 CNCF Project Lightning Talks on Tuesday, which is included in the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon only pass.

"Having attended KubeCon + CloudNativeCon since its inception, I've consistently been impressed by the breadth and variety of the talks given by members of this incredible community," said Joseph Sandoval, Principal Product Manager at Adobe Inc., and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Co-Chair. "To be a co-chair this time and see the number of informative, and clever talks submitted has been inspiring. I am thrilled for attendees to experience the stellar lineup our program committee has worked tirelessly to pull together."

Join the cloud native ecosystem for three or four days - if you join us for the co-located events and project lightning talks - to learn and share knowledge to advance cloud native computing. The community-curated schedule will include talks from diverse community members, including:

  • From Vectors to Pods: Integrating AI with Cloud Native - Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Kevin Klues, NVIDIA; Joseph Sandoval, Adobe; Ricardo Rocha, CERN; Cathy Zhang, Intel
  • Running WebAssembly (Wasm) Workloads Side-by-Side with Container Workloads - Jiaxiao Zhou, Microsoft
  • Experience in Designing & Implementing a Cloud Native Framework for Farm Data Analytics - Braulio Dumba, IBM & Gloire Rubambiza, Cornell University
  • The Maintainer Monologues - Sarah Christoff, Defense Unicorns; Karen Chu, Fermyon; Jason Hall, Chainguard; Scott Rigby, Independent; Ryan Nowak, Microsoft
  • Creating Paved Paths for Platform Engineers - Ritesh Patel, Nirmata; Abby Bangser, Syntasso; Viktor Farcic, Upbound; Nicholas Morey, Akuity; Praseeda Sathaye, Amazon
  • Distributed Multi-Node Model Inference Using the LeaderWorkerSet API - Abdullah Gharaibeh & Rupeng Liu, Google
  • Better Together! GPU, TPU and NIC Topological Alignment with DRA - John Belamaric, Google & Patrick Ohly, Intel
  • Kubernetes Workspaces: Enhancing Multi-Tenancy with Intelligent Apiserver Proxying - James Munnelly & Andrea Tosatto, Apple
  • Kubernetes Upgrades: Less Pain, More Gain (and Maybe a Little Swearing) - Jago Macleod, Google

CNCF and other organizations will host numerous CNCF-hosted and sponsor-hosted  co-located events as part of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, which will happen on November 12. The following CNCF-hosted co-located events are included in the All-Access pass.

  • AppDeveloperCon
  • ArgoCon
  • BackstageCon
  • Cilium + eBPF Day
  • Cloud Native + Kubernetes AI Day
  • Cloud Native StartupFest
  • Cloud Native University
  • Data on Kubernetes Day
  • EnvoyCon
  • Istio Day
  • Kubernetes on Edge Day
  • Observability Day
  • OpenFeature Summit
  • OpenTofu Day
  • Platform Engineering Day
  • WasmCon

CNCF-hosted co-located events sponsorship opportunities close on Tuesday, October 1 at 11:59 PM MDT. Interested organizations can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to secure a sponsorship.

Companies interested in hosting a sponsor-hosted co-located event alongside KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 should submit a request by August 16.

For the full KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 agenda, please visit the schedule.

Brian Ducharme

Brian is an event reporter for and an expert in virtualization/cloud techonlogies.  In his 15+ years of experience in the virtualization/cloud field he has interviewed hundreds of companies, users and executives.  Brian has been an active member of the NEVMUG (NEVTUG) since 2006 and attends both vmworld and Citrix Synergy every year.  Brian works full time as a Senior Software Engineer for Liquidware Labs.

Brian also spent 5 years as the managing editor of Virtual Strategy Magazine, an online magazine focused on the virtualization industry and has been with vmblog since 2011. He has a background in Computer Graphics, Marketing, Programming, Web Design, Mobile App Development, Linux Administration and is an active member of the NHJS group. 


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