"In August, more than 18,000 people in the cloud native community convened for our first and very successful virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conference," said Priyanka Sharma, general manager of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. "We are very happy to be able to come together once again this year – across timezones – to support each other as CNCF projects grow. I look forward to carrying the excitement, technology advancement and sense of community from this group into 2021."
A program committee of 84 experts and 26 track chairs led by conference co-chairs, Constance Caramanolis of Splunk and Stephen Augustus of VMware, reviewed 856 submissions to help create the show's diverse line-up. The agenda features an impressive mix of topics, including technical sessions, deep-dives, and case studies spanning from technical deep dives and end user stories to beginner-level insights. Organizations and project maintainers will discuss CNCF's hosted projects – including Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, Jaeger, Vitess, TUF, OpenTracing, gRPC, CNI, Notary, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, Rook, Harbor, etcd, Open Policy Agent, CRI-O, TiKV, CloudEvents, Falco, Argo, Dragonfly, SPIFFE and SPIRE.
"It's a pleasure to collaborate with the Program Committee and the CNCF Events Team. The quality of submissions, as well as depth of care put into the review process is always remarkable," said Stephen Augustus, senior open source engineer, VMware and conference co-chair. "I am honored to serve the cloud native community once again in this role. While I wish we could see you all in person, I hope that attendees will enjoy the insights this year's program provides."
"Having the opportunity to chair two virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon events has been an amazing experience," said Constance Caramanolis, principal software engineer at Splunk and conference co-chair. "I continue to be inspired by all the submissions we have had the chance to review. I am confident attendees will enjoy the wide variety of topics covered and continue to be engaged with the CNCF community as we all adjust to the virtual format."
The community-curated schedule will feature sessions from leading open source technologists, including:
- The Secret Life of Kubelet - Alena Prokharchyk, Apple
- Clean Up Your Room! What Does It Mean to Delete Something in K8s - Aaron Alpar, Kasten
- 10 More Weird Ways to Blow Up Your Kubernetes - Jian Cheung & Joseph Kim, Airbnb
- The Open Source Revolution: How Kubernetes is Changing the Games Industry - Dominic Green, Netspeak Games
- A High-Schooler's Guide to Kubernetes Network Observability - Drew Ripberger, Nirmata
- Eating Your Vegetables: How to Manage 2.5 Million Lines of YAML - Daniel Thomson & Jesse Suen, Intuit
- DevOps Performance From a Different Dataset: What 30M Workflows Reveal - Michael Stahnke, CircleCI
- GitOps Is Likely More Than You Think It Is - Cornelia Davis, Weaveworks
- Collaborative Leadership: Governance Beyond Company Affiliation - Dawn Foster, VMware
- Cluster Reconciliation: Managing Resources Across Multiple Clusters - Vallery Lancey, Independent
CNCF and other organizations are also hosting the following co-located events as part of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, occurring on Tuesday, November 17 – if interested, registration can be added when registering for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon:
- Cloud Native Security Day North America hosted by CNCF
- OpenTelemetry Community Day hosted by CNCF
- ServiceMeshCon North America hosted by CNCF
Speaking submissions for Cloud Native Security Day and ServiceMeshCon are due October 4. Speaking submissions for OpenTelemetry Community Day are due October 11.
Diversity Scholarship applications for both KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Virtual and CNCF-hosted co-located events are due November 1.
For the full KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe program, please visit the schedule.
Thank You Sponsors
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is made possible with support from our Diamond Sponsors: AWS, Cisco, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM Cloud, Red Hat, and VMware; Platinum Sponsors: AppDynamics part of Cisco, Commvault, HAProxy Technologies, Microsoft Azure, New Relic, Palo Alto Networks, Rancher, and StackRox; and many more Gold, Silver, Start-Up, and End User Sponsors.
Register by October 31, 2020, for $75 standard pricing conference passes.
Additional Resources
- CNCF Newsletter
- CNCF Twitter
- CNCF Website
- Learn About CNCF Membership
- Learn About the CNCF End User Community
About Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Cloud native computing empowers organizations to build and run scalable applications with an open source software stack in public, private, and hybrid clouds. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy. CNCF brings together the industry's top developers, end users, and vendors, and runs the largest open source developer conferences in the world. Supported by more than 500 members, including the world's largest cloud computing and software companies, as well as over 200 innovative startups, CNCF is part of the nonprofit Linux Foundation. For more information, please visit www.cncf.io.
The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our trademark usage page. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Media Contact
Jessie Adams-Shore
The Linux Foundation
SOURCE The Cloud Native Computing Foundation