April 04, 2017

DockerCon 2017 Q&A: Veritas to Showcase a Software-defined Storage Offering, HyperScale for Containers at Booth G1

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Are you attending DockerCon 2017 in Austin, TX next month?  If so, I invite you to add Veritas to your MUST SEE list of vendors.

IT teams are adopting containers to realize agility, scale, and efficiency benefits while reducing costs. Although containers are mostly ephemeral, stateful applications using containers often require companies to maintain their data beyond the existence of the individual container. Designed to address the needs of all containerized apps, Veritas HyperScale for Containers uses a revolutionary dual-plane architecture to deliver enterprise capabilities, including integration for backup and disaster recovery.   

Read VMblog's exclusive pre-show interview with Veritas to learn more about what they have planned for the upcoming event.

veritas logo 

VMblog:  As a DockerCon 2017 sponsor, how can people find you this year? 

Veritas:  We are a Gold sponsor and you can find us at booth G1 (which is near the entrance, one row in, on the left).

VMblog:  With so many vendors to see at the show, why should a DockerCon attendee add you to their MUST SEE list?

Veritas:  Attendees aware of, or experiencing, storage management challenges with taking their containerized apps to production should understand that Veritas can help them operationalize these applications. Ultimately, it is not just about performance and predictability of the performance but also high availability, quality of service (QoS) and being able to protect data through snapshots all through a solution that brings cost-effectiveness through the use of software-defined storage approach based on commodity DAS storage.

VMblog:  Does Veritas have any speaking sessions at DockerCon?  If so, can you give us the who, what, when and where?

Veritas:  Yes, our Principal Product Manager, Chad Thibodeau will be leading a session titled "Software-defined Storage for Enterprise Containers" from 1:50 to 2:10 on Wednesday, April 19 in Ecosystem A.

Many IT teams are enamored with adopting microservices architecture and using containers.  However, the love often fades as they continue through the CI-CD process and look to move from development and test to production, due in part to the lack of needed storage services. While some open source alternatives are available, they only go part way to addressing the needs and enterprises are often looking for the same performance assurance and data protection that they have come to expect and rely upon. 

Chad will discuss a novel approach to providing predictable and reliable performance along with enterprise-grade data availability and protection in a cost-effective manner.

VMblog:  And if an attendee likes what they hear at your booth or at your session... what message about your product can you send them back with to sell their boss on your technology?

Veritas:  Veritas helps organizations adopt containers for all their production workloads through the highest level of predictable performance, storage quality-of-service and integrated support for data protection and data availability based on a software-defined storage solution leveraging commodity direct attached storage (DAS) hardware. Commodity servers with direct attached storage are more cost-effective than expensive proprietary hardware.

VMblog:  Can you give VMblog readers a sneak peek as to what you will be showing off at your booth this year?

Veritas:  We are bringing to market a software-defined storage offering, HyperScale for Containers, targeted at containerized apps.  At Veritas we take a 360 data management view; here this means that looking to provide customers with a comprehensive view of their containerized application environment and helping them with aspects such as backup and restore for their containerized application data. At the booth you will be able to see demos and speak with product management and engineering colleagues about the direction that Veritas is taking to help customers achieve their container goals.

VMblog:  If you would, please explain or give readers a few reasons why your product or service is considered unique?

Veritas:  Our offerings draws upon a revolutionary dual plane architecture that separates compute and data management activities.  We believe ours is the only container storage solution that provides application-aware quality of service and is only offering from an "enterprise-grade vendor" that provides persistent storage for containerized stateful apps with both predictable performance and resilience.  Finally, our ability to leverage commodity DAS (SSD or HDD) storage-with active tiering-and scale compute and data plane nodes independently serve to maximize cost-effectiveness.

VMblog:  Attendees always enjoy a good trade show tchotchke.  Are you guys giving away anything special or interesting this year?

Veritas:  We will be raffling GoPros.  Stop by the booth to participate in the fun "selfie booth" activity, share your selfie on social to enter the drawing. You can also enter by answering a short survey to have another chance to win. Finally, our creative services team has designed t-shirts that they believe will be popular with the attendees.  So, come on by to grab a t-shirt and enter the drawing.

VMblog:  Is this your first DockerCon event as a sponsor? 

Veritas:  Yes, we are proud to be a Gold sponsor at this, our first, time at DockerCon. 

VMblog:  Why is this a must sponsor event for your company?

Veritas:  DockerCon is the conference when it comes to containers and microservices architectures. We have chosen to sponsor DockerCon in light of Docker's extensive ecosystem and market reach.

VMblog:  How does your company and product fit within the Docker or container ecosystem?

Veritas:  The container ecosystem continues to evolve and grow. Veritas is a Docker technology partner and has 20 years of experience in providing leading storage management and availability solutions.  We are drawing on that experience base to support emerging and next-gen technologies such as containers.

VMblog:  Finally, what are you looking forward to most at this year's event?

Veritas:  We are excited about connecting with other attendees, partners and Docker employees to discuss their container initiatives and learn from their container deployments and experiences. Follow us on Twitter throughout the event @VeritasTechEvts #HyperScale


As you begin planning and building out your schedule, definitely make a stop at the Veritas booth to find out more about HyperScale and see it in action!  Visit them at Booth G1 and add their speaking session to your agenda on Wednesday.

David Marshall

David Marshall has been involved in the technology industry for over 19 years, and he's been working with virtualization software since 1999. He was able to become an industry expert in virtualization by becoming a pioneer in that field - one of the few people in the industry allowed to work with Alpha stage server virtualization software from industry leaders: VMware (ESX Server), Connectix and Microsoft (Virtual Server).

Through the years, he has invented, marketed and helped launch a number of successful virtualization software companies and products. David holds a BS degree in Finance, an Information Technology Certification, and a number of vendor certifications from Microsoft, CompTia and others. He's also co-authored two published books: "VMware ESX Essentials in the Virtual Data Center" and "Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center" and acted as technical editor for two popular Virtualization "For Dummies" books. With his remaining spare time, David founded and operates one of the oldest independent virtualization news blogs, VMblog.com. And co-founded CloudCow.com, a publication dedicated to Cloud Computing. Starting in 2009 and continuing all the way to 2016, David has been honored with the vExpert distinction by VMware for his virtualization evangelism.


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