Displaying items by tag: Kubernetes

Are you attending KubeCon 2018 in Seattle in December?  If so, I invite you to add StackRox to your MUST SEE list of vendors. 

KubeCon 2018 is shaping up to be a fantastic event!  And the number of sponsoring vendors at this year's show is impressive.  One of the companies on VMblog's MUST SEE list this year is StackRox.  The company is a proven leader in security for containerized, cloud-native applications.  StackRox is unique in that it leverages run-time data to proactively identify security risks earlier in the container life cycle and protects against key orchestrator-based threats; and, they seamlessly reduce the attack surface throughout the container lifecycle to provide customers with an unmatched level of security against emerging container-based threats.

Read this exclusive pre-show interview between VMblog and StackRox to learn what they have planned for the upcoming KubeCon North America 2018 event and why you need to visit their booth.

T​he Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which sustains and integrates open source technologies like Kubernetes and Prometheus, announced the session line-up for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America on December 10-13 in Seattle. Experts from Reddit, T-Mobile, Alibaba, Uber, Airbnb, Microsoft, Google, Intel, and many more will present over 310 cloud native sessions.

As CNCF’s flagship conference, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America will bring together more than 7,000 technologists from thriving open source communities to further education around cloud native computing. Maintainers and end users ofCNCF’s hosted projects – including Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, gRPC, containerd, rkt, CNI, Envoy, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Vitess, CoreDNS, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, and Rook – and other cloud native technologies will gather for four days to share insights around and encourage participation in this fast-growing ecosystem. Register for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America by September 28 to save up to $300.

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