VMblog visits the DivvyCloud booth during KubeCon 2019 in San Diego.
DivvyCloud software is designed to be agentless and standalone. You can apply it to any computing environment - public cloud or private software-defined infrastructure. The way DivvyCloud interacts with the host environment and Kubernetes is by way of their respective APIs. DivvyCloud continuously interacts with the APIs to gather information about the state of the hosts and the Kubernetes clusters of interest. These hosts can be Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, or a private data center that can expose infrastructure information via an API.
Once DivvyCloud is set up and targeted at the relevant host and Kubernetes clusters, it starts pulling down data about the environments - servers, security groups, load balancers, network-attached stores, S3 buckets, and any resource that is exposed via an API. This information is then unified into a single data model that represents the infrastructure and represents containment holistically.